Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Oh how Jake would Kill me....

Today while waiting on hold with the insurance company I ventured over to

For those of you who have never ventured to - you MUST visit.... but beware... it's quite addicting. The site really makes me think about all the interesting things lying around my house itching to be made and sold - but then when I get home.. eh... somehow I forget. (oops)

My latest find on is a woman who makes dresses for little girls. While my thriftier side screams at the price tags.. the mother of a soon to be daughter cries in joy at each little picture....

.. and then my common sense side steps in and sits on my shoulder.. our conversation goes something like this:

Common Sense: "Now Chelsea... think about this for a moment. How often do you wear dresses?"

Me: "Rarely."

Common Sense: "How often did you wear dresses as a child?"

Me: "Um. Maybe for pictures when I was too small to dress myself?"

Common Sense: "How many dresses does your child have hanging in her closet already?"

Me: "Too many for her own good."

Common Sense: "What is your child most likely to be wearing 90% of the time?"

Me: "Dickies overalls.. probably in the mud."

Common Sense: "How do you think she will react to you putting her in frilly dresses all the time?"

Me: "Kicking and screaming for the entire 20 minutes I attempt to take pictures of her."

Common Sense: "Now do you really think you should buy them?"

Me: "....." Shoulders slump in defeat.... *sigh*

Maybe I can take them to grandma's house to wear to church.. hmmmmmmm.....

Just for fun and your absolute viewing pleasure... how friggin cute are these???

Ugh.. and there are soooo many more.. I'm dying to get at least one of them!!!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE ETSY!!!! AND I LOVE THESE DRESSES! AND I have two girls and they are both and have always been regular dress wearers SO I say buy away!
