In a nutshell.. this is what our past 7 months has consisted of.
September: Baby comes early! You all saw that fun an interesting delivery story in the last post. Here are some more friendly September moments!! :)
Last day in the hospital:
Kenadi is an amazing baby. She rarely cries unless she is hungry.
Newborn Pictures at 1 week old:
(Grammy and Uncle Josh helped.. and almost got pooped on.)
K looks exactly like daddy when she smiles... which is mostly in her sleep..
K is Zoey's baby...
I also subject K to pictures inside.. in a basket.. :)
The "butterfly" paci's are the only ones that don't cover up her teeny nose.. she likes them.
K is not amused anymore.
K's first Halloween... Grammy makes her a Halloween Outfit!
Mom carves a pumpkin and subjects her to pictures!! :)
I make her a costume.. we go to the Halloween event at Grammy's Church..
K is the CUEST, TINEST, sleepiest ladybug EVER..
K is still Zoey's baby...
Still got her some rockstar hair... and blue eyes...
K loves her bumbo...
K meets her great grandmother Mary Louellen.. one of the most beautiful pictures is taken.
to be continued.... (hopefully sooner rather than later..)